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Jumat, 15 November 2019 - 09:26 WIB

Entrepreneurs Embrace In-House Fitness

REDAKSI - Penulis Berita

Combining sauna and fitness works by incorporating infrared heat to warm the muscles, thus helping users perform high-intensity resistance exercises with reduced risk of injury.

Combining sauna and fitness works by incorporating infrared heat to warm the muscles, thus helping users perform high-intensity resistance exercises with reduced risk of injury.

The popularity of health and fitness services is driving many entrepreneurs to start home-based businesses.

For those innovative individuals, Fitbomb, a patented fitness tool, may be the perfect fit.

This “fitness sauna”allows individuals to provide an entire gym’s worth of in-house fitness services easily.

David Shurtleff, a disabled veteran, created FitBomb as an option for those looking to improve athletic performance, enhance their health, or simply reduce the effects of aging.

“It’s like having your own fitness center without the overhead,” says Mr. Shurtleff.

“The FitBomb has everything you need to start a business, providing live video instruction for … martial arts, dance, barre, [and] hot yoga,” he says.

Other benefits include healthy detox and heated massage.

Combining sauna and fitness works by incorporating infrared heat to warm the muscles, thus helping users perform high-intensity resistance exercises with reduced risk of injury.

“Like most gym owners, you don’t even have to be a personal trainer yourself,” says Mr. Shurleff. “Just turn on the Wi-Fi and your choice of training videos instantly appears,” he explains.

As a testament to the potential to enhance your bottom line is Cheryl Murray, a fitness instructor and mother of two who set up a studio in her basement. Within months, she is making $15,000 a month for a combination of fitness training and deep fascia massage services inside the FitBomb.

Other entrepreneurs have taken the studio mobile.

A Canadian team set up a FitBomb in a box truck and promoted it with the slogan, “FitBomb: Explosive Health & Fitness delivered to your door.” They share profits with a small group of personal trainers.

Its appeal lies in its convenience and customization.

Patented features include attachments involving strategically placed “D” rings inside fitness sauna. Users attach exercise bands to these “D” rings to perform a number of exercises. The studio also features stretch bars, pull-up bars and the options to place speed bags, punching bags, and other workout accessories.

The FitBomb is available in a Studio size (7 by 9 feet) and a Solo size (6 feet, 5 inches by 50 inches).

Other special features include touch screen controllers that activate Wi-Fi videos on a TV in each unit. It is handicap-accessible, and also has a Power Access System card designed to activate power to the FitBomb for a pre-determined time and a number of activations that allows easier tracking of user activity.

For more information, visit www.fittsystems.com.

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